Posted in Subject combinations

Free Talk on Choosing JC Subject Combinations

Dear Post-O-Level Students / Parents.

If you currently have questions like the following,

(1) Which subject combination to take in JC?

(2) What is H2 or H1? 

(3) If I want to take 3 subjects at H2  and 1 at H1 , which one should be the H1 subject?

(4) How different is H2 Math from A. Math?

(5) Is H2 Physics very difficult compared to O-Level Physics? How will I know if I’m good enough to do H2 Physics? What about H2 Chemistry?

(6) If I didn’t do A.Math will I be able to cope with H2 Math? How about H1 Math?

 (7) If I didn’t take Pure Sciences at O-Level will I survive H2 Science subjects?

(8) Is it important to do Economics?

then you are highly encouraged to ATTEND our specially prepared TALK on Choosing JC Subject Combinations. ADMISSION IS FREE.

Details as follows.

Date: SATURDAY, 2 Feb 2019

Time: 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm

Venue: BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68, S(650644).

Our experienced JC Tutors (including ex and current teachers) and staff will be there to answer your queries.

To register for this talk, send SMS or Whatsapp the following information to 88765498: <Name>, <Number of persons attending>, <JCTalkFeb2019>

If you are unable to attend the above talk but you still have questions to ask regarding JC subjects, you may book an appointment with us by messaging to 88765498.  Thank you.