Posted in Pure Physics

Study Tips: O-Level Physics Chapter 1- Measurement

Dear students,

If you want to master Physics chapter 1 Measurement, you must make sure you have understood the following Physics concepts and have perfected the following skills:

  1. Memorise the 7 base quantities and their units.


  1. Memorise the prefixes and must know how to convert from one prefixed unit to another eg. 10 dm = ? km.


  1. Must know how to convert to standard form with 2 or 3 S.F. Please note Physics calculated answers cannot be to 1 or 4 S.F. or more.


  1. Must know how to convert from composite unit to another eg. 72 km/h = ? m/s and vice versa. Please note 1.0 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3.


  1. Must know the Order of Magnitude of the sizes of common large and small objects eg. the height of a mountain is about 103 to 104 m and the diameter of an atom is about 10-10


  1. Must know and compare the Measuring Range, Precision and Common Usage of Measuring Tape, Metre Rule, Vernier Calipers and Micrometer Screw Gauge (refer to point 5 of Key Ideas above).


  1. Must know how to read the main scales of the vernier caliper and the micrometer as well as the zero errors to get the corrected reading. Corrected Reading = Observed Reading – Zero Error.


  1. Must know how to derive or measure the period of a pendulum. Good to know the ticker tape timer and the meaning of frequency.

You must practise the above knowledge and skills on both past year MCQs as well as the longer Paper 2 questions.


Mr Ilyasa, Physics Tutor

hp no: 9786 0411