IP FAQ & Fees


Q: With different IP schools sometimes having different syllabuses, how do you plan to address this issue?

A: We have a three pronged approach to this issue.
1. We will split classes based on their school or syllabuses. For e.g. certain SAP schools tend to have a similar syllabus, so it will be common for DHS, HCI or RVHS students to be grouped together. Also, do understand that the general progress or guideline of all the subjects will be similar, in order to equip your child with the right tools to succeed in their A-levels eventually. There will only be one or two differences in topics between schools during the school year. A general guideline has to be adhered to for all schools.

Even for a subject such as lower secondary science, there is a guideline. For chemistry, the progression and the topic list is near identical for every IP school. For Physics and Biology, topics examined in Y1 will not come out again in Y2 unless specifically stated by your school (only in very rare cases). There are more than enough coinciding topics to form a base syllabus in a mixed class.

We understand that IP students from different schools might have slightly different syllabuses. With that in mind, our classes are designed with small groups in mind to facilitate consultation and ensure that each student gets the help they need. With customized lecture and tutorial materials, and additional educational resources which are updated yearly to keep up with the constant changes in the Integrated Programme school system, the class is fully equipped to handle the needs of your child. Using this differentiated classroom approach, we are able to conduct classes at the ability of each student to fully challenge them at a suitable pace and bring out the best in each of them. A weaker student will not be forced to go along at a very high speed, and a stronger student will not be held back on their learning and be just a silent observer in class. Meaningful, appropriate work will be issued based on their current readiness level and progressively increased such that they all become high achievers.

Because each student seen as an unique individual with their own strengths, we have decided to formalize our parent to tutor introductory discussions, and conduct an introductory clinical interview for every new student. Parents and students who are new to Singapore Learner’s IP classes are strongly recommended to arrange for a clinical interview with the tutor which will last from 15-30mins. The interview will be used to ascertain the student’s strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, learning needs, learning goals, readiness level, and serves as a pre-assessment or diagnosis. Throughout the year, the progress of the student will be tracked and their profile with the centre updated as they mature in their learning. Clinical interviews are conducted by our tutors who are trained in NIE’s Master of Education (Curriculum and Teaching)

Most importantly, be transparent with me on your child’s syllabus in schoolSend me his/her syllabus list and I will do the rest of the work, parents do not need to be involved when it comes to classroom management and topics covered in class. Frequent updates will be provided to you if need be.

  1. The worksheets are planned to cover every possibility, and are planned with IP syllabus in mind, using  lecture and tutorial combined into one booklet. We source these questions from top schools, or adapt them from JC1 syllabus. This ensures that your child has proper exposure to every type of tough question their school can throw at them. The tutorials are set based on how they are taught in school, which are basic mastery questions (which can be intense), and subsequently, tough higher order thinking questions. The materials can be issued to your child based on their needs at the point in time. We also keep a large repository of IP Past Year Papers or past tutorials as extra homework should your child need it.
  2. The most important part of the lesson is to teach the correct thinking skills in order to tackle higher order thinking questions which IP schools like to set. Teaching of content knowledge is just a small part of the class. As a parent, you must understand that your IP child is generally bright/hardworking, and do not require much coaching or direct intervention when it comes to content and reading. Your child is underperforming as he/she does not understand what the question wants them to do. The thought process and exam skills involved are a big part of the whole lesson package, not just the worksheets and syllabus itself. With proper understanding of the way questions are set, and proper training in higher order thinking, your child will be able to independently solve higher order thinking questions, even if they are from upper levels like JC or even open ended questions never seen before. This will make their revision time at home several times more effective.

Q: I want to come down to the centre to do a viewing, may I do that?

A: Our centre will be running classes from 3pm to 930pm on weekdays, and 9am-6pm on weekends. Should you wish to come down to do a viewing of the centre, you can contact my admin staff at 8776 2711 to check for her availability and she will give you a tour of the premises. Centre policy dictates that tutors are not allowed to stop their classes in order to attend to drop-in enquiries, so make an appointment for a paid trial in order to avoid disappointment.

Q: Why come for classes here versus classes in large centres or home based tutors?

A: We pride ourselves in having specialist tutors (they hold a singular portfolio which is teaching of IP, and eventually the H1/H2/H3 syllabus as the students reach JC level) on the job for our IP classes. We are extremely selective with the background of our IP tutors (high PSLE score – AL4-6, came from IP schools themselves, and long hours of teaching clocked before even being selected for the job).  This is to ensure that tutors are from a similar environment to your child, such that they may better understand, relate to and guide your child in their IP academic journey. We offer an extremely competitive salary package such that the tutors are driven, take charge, work tirelessly and aim to achieve work life integration, to always be ahead of the curve instead of responding to questions reactively. Our tutors are also actively sent for upgrading and workshops to ensure that we are always at the same pace or even a step ahead of whatever the schools are doing.

We are confident that many established tuition centres will not be able to match the niche service we have here, as our classes are PURELY FOR IP STUDENTS and taught by tutors from IP schools who only dedicate their entire timetable to teaching IP syllabus. This is not something most large centres or home based tutors can offer due to their lack of specialization or flexibility, as large centres mostly focus on training students solely for the national exams, using a strict lecture tutorial format by rote learning, as well as having heavy penalties for last minute cancellation of classes or a no make-up policy/make-up class with a substitute teacher. As IP specialists, our classes suit the timetable of IP students, we are able to do make-up classes at shorter notice on weekday evenings as well as weekends, and maintain the same standard of teaching by focusing on only critical thinking skills with the same tutor your child is used to.

Especially if your child is a struggling student, our classes are also able to cater to them by prioritizing consultation for their schoolwork first instead of rushing to complete curricula goals and ignoring their needs. Struggling students are often already swamped with compulsory remedial, homework, and additional retests at the end of the year, and we are fully prepared to assist them during and after class with their work. As a leaner operation, we are also charging by the month instead of by term, which benefits students with a busy schedule, and not force them to overcommit and overpay.

Q: If my child finishes his/her work faster than usual, what is the protocol? If my child needs extra assistance for exam revision, how is it addressed in class?

A: At Singapore Learner, we aim to always keep pace with every IP student’s learning ability, and if they are able to complete the assigned work in class ahead of schedule, they will not be left alone to just idle away the rest of the lesson time. Additional, more challenging work will be issued from tough assessment books and past year IP papers. If your child is behind on his/her exam revision as the school has overloaded them this semester, or they have only just joined the class and need to catch up as soon as possible, homework will be assigned, or you can complete your school’s revision package/past year paper and send it in for marking and review. This is done free of charge on top of our free consultation service that every tutor offers.

Q: I have very specific questions I wish to consult on, will that be too disruptive. Instead of sticking to the tutorial questions, can I consult on my schoolwork or revision package?

A: Our classes are designed with very small groups in mind to facilitate discussion and consultation. I will address your concerns, and present you with extra questions or notes to further enhance your understanding of the problem. Consulting after lesson time on an adhoc basis is free, I will respond if a question is sent to me via Whatsapp, and if its very challenging, we will discuss it together in class for the benefit of others. For students who wish to consult on their independent schoolwork, I will allow and provide appropriate guidance. Lectures and tutorials will still be issued to them as supplementary work.

Q: How is it like when they promote (IPY1Y2 v.s IPY3Y4)?

A: IPY3Y4 syllabus can be close to the difficulty of a typical H1 topic at JC or A-level, it is deep and tutors spend a lot of time addressing the concerns of their students outside of class time. This involves constant guidance in their tutorials, and supervision over their progress throughout the year. For example, IPY3Y4 Math consists of all E-Math and A-Math concepts at O-level, and the tests are enhanced to provide an extra challenge. We will be doing a condensed version of lecture and tutorial during class time to optimize the student’s learning, and understand Math as a whole instead of separating it into E and A Math. Outside of class time, tutors are often consulted on their schoolwork, and assist in spotting errors and mistakes, correcting misconceptions or poor management of working/procedure. The amount of personalized guidance inside and outside of class justifies the price, and it is more than fair to say that many of our students who have finished Y3Y4 class with us feel extremely confident and independent to tackle the JC material come Y5Y6

Q: Do lessons end right after their exams? Are there any headstart classes available for Integrated Programme (IP) students?

A: After their exams, we will have a short review, and subsequently begin on introduction to the material covered next year. There are headstart classes running every holiday, starting early October all the way to December. It is important to sit for headstart classes because many of your child’s peers will be studying independently on their own during the holidays. As far as I’m concerned, if you are a P6 going to IP, and not from GEP/Olympiad, you are already behind. Even for my batch, most of my peers came from math olympiad, so an A* in P6 Math is often insufficient for you to keep up. As a parent, you must remember that IP schools also accept various foreign scholars, often older, and faster than your child in terms of academic training. Your child’s learning should be a consistent marathon, and not a short sprint. Of course, we also understand that your child needs a break every now and then, so current students will always be consulted on whether they wish to take up headstart classes during the holidays or not.

Q: My child is struggling badly, will he/she be able to catch up if we join now?

A: There will be a preliminary assessment for your child by doing a one to one short interview. If there is a need, I will ask for you to put your child in a one to one scheme. As mentioned before, for IP students, they are generally good at reading and studying, what they lack is understanding of higher order thinking questions, and how to sieve out information to make on the spot quick judgements to find the solution. My lessons perfectly address those concerns. There are re-learning classes during the end of year holiday period to retrain your child from the ground up. Do understand that there are no shortcuts to success, if the student only comes to me during the later part of the year, and is unable to put in more time into their subjects by attending extra classes or doing extra homework, results may vary.

Q: What happens when you have a diverse pool of students of different speeds?

A: As a full timer, I am able to open enough classes for specific groups of students, be it very slow or very fast students. Proper classroom management is always observed, and students will be sorted into their individual learning groups based on their needs, to craft the best learning experience for them. If your child is very quick and finishes fast, I have more than enough challenging exercises from top schools to occupy their time. The key is to be upfront with your child’s progress in school during our first meeting, and keep me constantly updated. I will handle the rest and make sure they are well taken care of in a suitable learning environment. We understand that IP students from different schools might have slightly different syllabuses. With that in mind, our classes are designed with small groups in mind to facilitate consultation and ensure that each student gets the help they need. With customized lecture and tutorial materials, and a plethora of additional educational resources which are updated yearly to keep up with the constant changes in the Integrated Programme school system, the class is fully equipped to handle the needs of your child. I cannot stress this point enough, as this is the mostly commonly asked question.

Q: We live far from the centre and it would be too troublesome to come down. Is there an alternative?

A: I have students from RGS, DHS, TJC, Victoria School and various schools which are located further from Bukit Batok Central, and they all do very well with me using online classroom. If you have doubts, for the first lesson, I will get you and your child to sit in with me physically, and address all your needs and concerns, show you how things are done in class, and go through the lesson plan, as well as establish a method of sharing information and communication. For complex questions, students are required to submit their work to me via CamScanner and WhatApp for marking and grading of their working and answers. Subsequently, your child will be equipped to handle remote learning. As a parent, you must acknowledge that MOE is pushing for e-learning to be a big thing soon, and the sooner your child acclimatizes to it, and displays some independence, the better.

Q: We prefer online classes, can you walk us through what a typical online class will be like?

A: For online class, we use Zoom or Google Meet as a platform. A link to the online classroom will be sent to either you or your child’s Whatsapp account a few minutes before the start of the class. Materials used for the class will be sent to you in a PDF or word format by email at least a day before the class itself. Parents are welcome to come down physically and collect printed materials if they wish. Once attendance is taken and the tutor is sure that all students are accounted for, the class begins just like any regular class. Lesson materials are projected onto the screen in the online classroom, and there is a whiteboard function which the tutors will use to write down their steps and to discuss more complex questions with diagrams. We use a stylus pad for online whiteboard so the handwriting will be neat and fast, just like in our physical lessons. For complex questions, workings are required to be submitted to the tutor via Whatsapp using CamScanner, and they will be marked and returned. For students who are more shy in nature, they may choose to private message the tutor to address their concerns during class. The experience will be the same as a physical class but in the comfort of your home.

Q: We prefer pure online or pure physical class, is that possible?

A: It will almost always be a chance of having hybrid setup with both physical and online students. The reasoning is that with their very ambitious schedules that the schools have set up for them, it is inevitable that they will have to reschedule and do it from home in order to make it to their next appointment, or they are slightly ill and would prefer to learn from home. Our tutors are trained to handle a hybrid set-up, and every room is equipped with a large LCD TV screen for the tutor to project the class materials to the entire class, such that both online and physical students can benefit equally.

Q: I have concerns putting my child into a group class because they prefer being in a class of the same gender/are extremely shy in person/needs to be around friends/does not want to be alone with the tutor, what can I do?

A:In such a scenario, you can get your child to find friends to make a group to sign up or sign up for an online class to remove their anxiety by learning from the comfort of your own home. Create a group chat on Whatsapp with me together with your child so you can monitor their progress and they can use it as an avenue to voice out and ask questions. I have had many very quiet students who barely spoke in class and managed to secure full As with me because they are active in online consultation, as well as responding to my prompts by text.

Q: What is your policy on homework?

A: IP schools issue a lot of homework during the school term, I will be more keen to give homework during holiday seasons. However, if I feel that your child requires a lot more practice, I will assign accordingly. We invest heavily into securing past year IP papers and assessment books with questions adapted from top schools (this is how we use the material fee by the way), there will definitely be more than enough work to do if I choose to assign.

Q: We have had experiences where the tuition centre mixes IP students with other streams, are your classes PURE IP classes?

A: They are pure IP classes. The other students are separate from the IP students. Makeup classes will also be PURE IP CLASSES. There will not be a situation of a bait and switch where it is a mixed class instead of a PURE IP class. The tutors advertised will be the tutors teaching the class, in the event the tutor is unavailable for class that day, makeup lessons will be arranged with the tutor instead of a substitute. The registration process serves as a way for me to check for the authenticity of the child’s enrolment in an IP school by asking for their subject content list. For students from the IP-IB dual track, once they have switched to IB, they will be transferred out into a different class to accommodate their needs. If you are interested to know what schools the other students attend, I will provide.

Q: My child has a lot of project work to attend to, will you be able to assist?
A: Since 2023, there has been a significant increase in the use of project work or groupwork as assessment instead of the usual pen and paper worked assessment or mid year examination. As part of our services in IP classes, free consultation after class includes project work as well as it is part of their assessment. I will be guiding them along the way as long as your child shares with me the full details of their project work/school work. However, if you wish for a more guided approach, which includes learning presentation skills, creating presentation slides, and building of a prototype or experiments, those are additional costs and they are to be done via booking on a different timeslot, and their full team has to present if its for groupwork. We have a full functioning and fully equipped Science lab that covers up till JC2 content, and tutors that have extensive experience in guiding for open-ended projects. Consultation costs will be pegged to normal class pricing, and material cost is pro-rated based on our cost price of materials.

Q: My child is taking double/triple sciences and double math, but has no time to attend all sessions despite needing assistance in all of them. What can I do?

A: Our IP Math classes at the upper secondary level are designed as a hybrid A/E math class, and some of our IP Science classes are designed to be a hybrid Physics/Chem, Chem/Bio, Triple Science class. This is to cater to students who need to receive instructions and assistance in all 3 sciences and both maths but do not have the time and resources to attend so many lessons. Through careful curriculum planning and design by our team of curriculum experts (Master of Education, Curriculum and Teaching, NIE), the lessons are designed to teach the full suite of skills for Maths and Science in a short time frame without being shortchanged, with the addition of around the clock assistance via WA with the tutor for all sciences and maths. Classes run throughout the holidays, and current students have priority placing in booking additional classes during the holidays in order to cover more content.

Q: Are Science practicals in IP Lower Secondary Science and IP Upper Secondary Pure Science important/compulsory? How do you plan to tackle this in your classes?

A: IP schools can sometimes choose to neglect Science Practicals due to students being exempted from O-level, but in the recent years, schools are slowly implementing Science Practicals and Lab Work as part of their core curriculum and assessment, with worked assessments and final year exams including a practical component, instead of just letting practical remain as a progressive/formative assessment, and having lab work examined as a summative assessment comprising of 15% of the final grade just like the O-levels. This is to acclimate the students to labwork in order for them to do well in the A-level Science practicals which is 20% of the final grade. Labwork is separate from theory class, an additional booking has to be done based on availability. Experiments for labwork or practical will be pegged to the same content and standard of your child’s WAs or practical examination, like a mock examination in a lab. Current students under SL IP theory lessons will receive 50% discount for all practical sessions and get priority booking. Message the centre for a booking if you are a new student, if you are a current student, arrange with the tutor directly.

Q: I am not comfortable with the removal of MYEs and the use of project based assessment, do you do mock exams?

A: Yes, we conduct mock exams, please inform the tutor about the regularity of mock exams, some students may require more than others, depending on their level of commitment and ability. Marking of mock exams and post exam review is done free of charge for current existing students.

Q: What is your makeup policy?

A: Under official Singapore Learner policy, there is no makeup classes issued to students who are absent from class. However, the tutor is able to exercise some discretion, if your child is unable to come and the tutor is informed early with good reason, then we can arrange to have makeup class in another IP class. Please understand that this is done at the tutor’s discretion, if lessons are missed regularly without prior notice, makeup will not be issued.

Q: If the tutor is absent, will there be a replacement tutor?

A: In the event of illness or emergencies, the tutor will arrange for the lesson to be rescheduled, usually to their off-day or during the holiday period. If there is a situation where the tutor is suspected to be in close contact with covid positive individuals, classes will be shifted completely online in order to protect the well being of your child, and materials will be sent online a few days before the class. At Singapore Learner, we prefer the same tutor to stick to their students throughout, as arranging for a replacement tutor can be disruptive to their learning due to the customized nature of our classes.

Q: Who do I contact about finance issues?

A: After the first month of registration, all finance issues are under my admin team, and they will be the ones in charge of sending out payment reminders or other finance related issues. Refer to me when it comes to academic matters. I typically respond quickly, as long as it is within reasonable hours, and sometimes it will be staggered during my off-days as I am either marking or attending to private matters. Parents are expected to be patient when contacting the admin team as it takes a few working days to process important issues such as fees.

Fee Structure:

Y1-Y6 SUBJECTS: $360 PER MONTH (4 LESSONS group tuition)


Costs of a one-off trial class for Y1-Y6 is $140. Trial class timings will be arranged based on my discretion and assessment of your child’s needs. Subsequently, should you decide to sign up, the remainder of the monthly fee will be charged, i.e. you sign up in a regular month where there 4 lessons, trial is $140, if after the trial you continue, pay the balance of $90 x 3 lessons =$270.

A trial class serves as a diagnostics for your child, by looking into his/her previous schoolwork, exam papers, as well as watching how they respond to the lecture and tutorial content. From there, as a parent, you can decide whether the class is suitable for your child. A lot of preparation work is done before a trial, so do make payment ASAP to confirm your attendance.





We use online registration, click here to fill in the registration form after confirming the details with the tutor

Payment method:

Online payment is preferred, you can make payment to Singapore Learner via bank transfer or Paynow to UEN 53229361D, do take a screenshot of the payment and forward it to the tutor in charge


Our teaching schedule is 3pm-9pm on weekdays and 9am-6pm on weekends. Do drop a message if you wish to ask about classes during our teaching time, and I will get back to you as soon as I have a break in between class. Please make an appointment to avoid disappointment

Singapore Learner @ Bukit Batok

Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).

Tel: +(65) 6569 4897 (office) or Whatapps 97860411 (Mr Ilyasa).

We have compiled a short guide and illustration of the differences between IP and express syllabus, as well as common pitfalls in IP math and science

Syllabus guideline for IP Y1 – Y4 Math

Syllabus guideline for IP Y1 – Y4 Science

For the benefit of IP students, our IP tutoring team have compiled a series of educational posts for IP related issues:

DSA students in IP

Integrated Programme subject combination and promotion criteria

What happens at the end of Y4 IP?

Tips on how to Excel in Integrated Programme

What to do if you are failing in Integrated Programme?

IP Science Practical Enrichment and Training

An added feature to our classes is a proper after school care consultation. IP questions are often more challenging and school moves at a very quick pace. Students are free to consult me on WA about their work in order to be able to catch up with their peers: