Why Us?
Dedicated, Qualified and Experienced Teachers.
You can choose to do ANY number of subjects offered.
Fees can be paid MONTHLY.
High Availability of Science Practical Sessions.
Small class size of up to 8 students only.
For enquiries, contact 88765498 (Admin).
This page is for students who seek a COMPLETE (Theory & Practical) course at the Singapore Learner Science Academy (SLSA) for the following subjects, in preparation for the O-Level exams:
- Sec 4 Pure Physics
- Sec 4 Science (Physics)
- Sec 4 Pure Chemistry
- Sec 4 Science (Chemistry)
- Sec 4 Pure Biology
- Sec 4 Science (Biology)
- Sec 3 Pure Physics
- Sec 3 Science (Physics)
- Sec 3 Pure Chemistry
- Sec 3 Science (Chemistry)
- Sec 3 Pure Biology
- Sec 3 Science (Biology)
- Sec 2 Science
- Sec 1 Science
- Math and A.Math lessons are provided as tuition lessons in the evenings. If you register for any of our science lessons above, you will enjoy a 20% discount on your math tuition with us provided all your lessons begin in February. For details on our Math classes, click here.
*Enjoy great discounts on fees if your lab sessions start in February! Send a message to 88765498 for details.
*Or attend (by appointment) our SINGAPORE LEARNER OPEN HOUSE on Sat 22/2 or Sun 23/2 (both 2pm-5pm) to find out more about our Science Academy (for private candidates) or our Science Practical Training & Enrichment Programme (for all students from Primary to A-Level). Attendees will get to meet our teachers and view our Science labs and apparatus. In addition, students who sign-up on the spot will be offered our generous January fee discount scheme while others may opt to receive our $50 fee discount voucher instead (2 per practical student). To book an appointment, send a message to 88765498. Hurry, appointment slots are limited. To avoid disappointment, book now!
The registration for ‘A’ and ‘O’ Level exams as a private candidate usually opens around early to mid-April (Please check SEAB website). If you are registering for a Science subject (Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Combined Sciences), at the time of registration in April, you will be asked whether you have done any science practical training in any school, centre, or institute.
Thus if you are considering Singapore Learner as your science practical training provider, you must register with us and begin your science practical sessions for each subject BEFORE APRIL for us to certify that you have attended basic science practical training. Thus it is recommended that you commence practical training with us in Jan/Feb. Please note students usually do about 10 practical sessions per subject to be competent in practicals.
The following is taken from SEAB website:
“If you are registering for a Science subject with a practical paper, you:
• Must have sat the same Science subject(s) previously, OR
• are currently attending or will be attending a course of instruction in Science practical at any institute/school. You must complete the course of instruction in Science practical at the institute/school enrolled in. You are required to declare that you have fulfilled the above requirements at the point of registration. Registration for the subject may be cancelled without a refund of the examination fees if a false declaration is made.“
Administrative and Operational Matters:
Academic days: All days except public holidays and some government school holidays (Note: No make-up lesson if lesson day falls on a public holiday or selected govt school holiday). Students need to come only on days for which they have official lessons.
MON: Sec 4 Pure Physics (10am-12pm) | Sec 4 Science (Physics) (10am-11.30am)| Sec 4 Pure Chemistry (12.30pm-2.30pm) | Sec 4 Science (Chemistry) (12.30pm-2pm)
TUE: Sec 3 Pure Chemistry (8.30am-10.30am) | Sec 3 Science (Chemistry) (8.30am-10am) | Sec 1 Science (12.30pm-2pm)
THU: Sec 3 Pure Biology (8.30am-10.30am) | Sec 3 Science (Biology) (8.30am-10am) | Sec 2 Science (12.30pm-2pm)
FRI: Sec 3 Pure Physics (8.30am-10.30am) | Sec 3 Science (Physics) (8.30am-10am)
SUN: Sec 4 Pure Biology (9.30am-11.30am) | Sec 4 Science (Biology) (9.30am-11am)
Academic hours: Pure Science – 2 hrs | Combined Science – 1.5 hrs | Lower Sec Science – 1.5 hrs.
Academic months (including tests, exams and practicals): Jan to Dec (Sec 1 – Sec 3) | Jan to Oct (Sec 4).
Academic breaks: Please note there are 1-week breaks in Mar, June, Nov and Dec.
Fee Matters:
Each Pure Science subject (per mth, inclusive of practicals): $380 | $280 (if start in Jan/Feb) | $240 (if start in Jan/Feb and pay non-refundable lump sum of $2400 for 10 months)
Each Combined Science subject (per mth, inclusive of practicals): $285 | $210 (if start in Jan/Feb) | $180 (if start in Jan/Feb and pay non-refundable lump sum of $1800 for 10 months)
Each Lower Sec Science subject (per mth, inclusive of practicals): $240 | $180 (if start in Jan/Feb) | $150 (if start in Jan/Feb and pay non-refundable lump sum of $1500 for 10 months)
Monthly Fees are due BEFORE the start of each month.
One-time Registration Fee for each student is $50 (non-refundable).
Materials fee (photocopying, notes, graph paper etc) per subject is $90 (non-refundable) for the whole academic year (regardless of student’s start and end date).
Total Fee payable at point of Registration: [$50] + [$90 x (number of subjects)] + [subject fee x (number of subjects)].
*Please note the above fees do NOT include textbooks and assessment books.
Parents/students will be also be informed of any books which need to be purchased. Students are also expected to have their own writing materials and calculator.
Singapore Learner reserves the right to change the above fees without prior notice.
Registration is now open for the 2025 intake. Classes will officially commence on Mon 13th Jan 2025.
Singapore Learner @ Bukit Batok
Address: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Tel: 6569 4897, 88765498 (WHATSAPP)
Email: singaporelearner@gmail.com
If you wish to visit us, kindly make an appointment first. Thank you.