We provide A-Level/H2 and O-Level/IP Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Science (Physics/Chemistry/Biology) Practical training for private / school candidates and homeschoolers, for both local (eg. H2, Singapore-Cambridge) and international exams (CIE, IGCSE).

For enquiries, contact 88765498 (Admin).


Q: Why come for IP mock practicals?

A: Students who have upcoming Science practical as WAs need to familiarize themselves with usage of apparatus and materials correctly and safely. Students also have to be trained on the theory aspect of practical, which is recording of observations, deductions based on observations, planning and experimental errors. As part of their holistic science education now, practical exam is usually a significant portion of their syllabus (15%) and to secure a full mark in this will give your child the edge they need to attain a better science grade in school. Our practicals are modelled directly after your child’s school requirements so they get the full range of experiments required, as well as the careful guidance they need to score well.

Q: Are Science practicals in IP Lower Secondary Science and IP Upper Secondary Pure Science important/compulsory? How do you plan to tackle this in your classes?

A: IP schools can sometimes choose to neglect Science Practicals due to students being exempted from O-level, but in the recent years, schools are slowly implementing Science Practicals and Lab Work as part of their core curriculum and assessment, with worked assessments and final year exams including a practical component, instead of just letting practical remain as a progressive/formative assessment, and having lab work examined as a summative assessment comprising of 15% of the final grade just like the O-levels. This is to acclimate the students to labwork in order for them to do well in the A-level Science practicals which is 20% of the final grade. Labwork is separate from theory class, an additional booking has to be done based on availability. Experiments for labwork or practical will be pegged to the same content and standard of your child’s WAs or practical examination, like a mock examination in a lab. Current students under SL IP theory lessons will receive 50% discount for all practical sessions and get priority booking. Message the centre for a booking if you are a new student, if you are a current student, arrange with the tutor directly.

IP Practical:
The importance of IP practical will be in two areas.

  1. To prepare students for the rigor of H2 and higher level Sciences at the A-level standard. The IP system ends at Y6 where the students have to take A-level, for paper 4 of the A-level Sciences, students will be assessed on their ability to confidently set up experiments, record data, troubleshoot devices, and analyze their readings. Paper 4 is 20% of the final grade for A-levels. Due to time constraint, IP schools may deprioritize full lab sessions which can take up to 2.5h, making students under-prepared for A-levels. Practical sessions for IP are strongly recommended to give the students enough lead time and get in that muscle memory in order to have a perfect score for their A-level Sciences paper 4. It is common for IP schools now to set practical as a Science WA, which accounts for 15% of the final grade. Even if in Y1-Y4, practical is only part of a formative assessment, an exposure to practical periodically will significantly enhance the student’s understanding of Science and eventually prepare them to do well for A-levels.
  2. As dynamic and holistic as the IP curriculum is, with the use of graded projects acting as formative assessment, there is a way to ensure you get an A grade. The curriculum is an enhancement for the secondary school syllabus set by the curriculum planning & development division for MOE, and with that in mind, its likely that the projects rely heavily on competency in conducting practical. Having familiarity with the tools given in secondary level sciences will help the IP students in confidently completing their science projects in a timely and orderly fashion, getting that A, and getting back on track for their written theory components.

With that being said, we are the ONLY centre with a fully equipped lab running from 9am-9pm every single day, with tutors fully equipped to teach practical to a high level of both precision and accuracy. Bookings can be done on an ad hoc basis, which is something that no other centre can offer.


Singapore Learner @ Bukit Batok

Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).

For enquiries, call or send a WApp message to 97860411.


Why Us?

  • Our teachers are highly qualified and very experienced, and we actually TEACH you good practical techniques with an impressive track record of minimum A standard practical assessment results after our IP practical training. Most of our students report getting close to perfect scores during their school assessment.

  • We have been a one-stop comprehensive science practical centre providing solid practical training for ALL THREE sciences and for all levels and streams since 2017.

  • Our laboratory apparatus are exam-grade and the same as those used in MOE schools and our chemicals are all NEA-approved.

  • We have a structured practical training programme catering to the needs of both beginners and experienced students.

  • We have a maximum class size of just 5 students! Yes just 5 students at most, so that the teacher is able to observe the actions of each student more closely and demonstrate the correct practical techniques where and when necessary.

  • Our Practicals are priced at a competitive rate of $100 per hour in a small class setting, with current students of SL receiving a large discount off all practical sessions

Please click on any of the relevant links below to view details such as syllabus, lab topics, lab days and times, for each Science subject:




YEAR 1-2 BEGINNER PRACTICALS (Available Nov to June)

For IP theory lessons, please click on the link below:





If you have any queries kindly contact Admin at 6569 4897 or 88765498  Thank you!