Posted in Intensive Revision, Pure Physics

O-Level Pure Physics Crash Course / Intensive Revision SEP 2014


Dates: 8/9 to 11/9, 4 days.

Time: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm.

Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central. (It is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok bus interchange. Buses that stop along the road in front of Blk 627 are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 941, 947, 985)

Fee: $420

Max. no. of students:  8.

Tutor: Mr Ilyasa (ex-sch teacher, M.Ed, PGDE, B.Sc).

A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level & IB Physics and Mathematics for more than 6 years, as well as ‘O’ Level & IP Physics, Additional Math, E. Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds both a Master of Education degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from the National University of Singapore.

To register, sms <Student Name><O-PHYSICS> to 97860411.

For any queries, you may talk directly to Mr Ilyasa at 97860411

Posted in Integrated Programme (IP), Personal

Ad hoc tuition seems quite popular

I’ve been quite surprised by the response to my offer of ad hoc tuition for math and physics. This is the first year I’m allowing it and I had expected, the bulk of the calls were from parents of students in the integrated programme.

There may be a few reasons for this. First, IP students may be too busy to commit to regular weekly tuition. Second, they can’t fit in anywhere else as most learning centres only cater to mainstream students. Finally, IP students are generally academically bright and only need coaching in certain topics.

The IP students so far who have made multiple bookings to consult me are from NJC, HCI, NYGH and RGS. I did ask them or their parents on what they look out for when choosing a tutor: (1) travelling distance, (2) experience in teaching IP students, (3) ability to teach at JC level, (4) reasonable fees.

The non-IP students who have booked multiple slots tend to be those who did very badly in their recent MYEs and their parents wish them to revise all their fundamentals. That, I must say, is a wise decision, especially for sec 1 or sec 2 students who have done badly in their math exams.

If you need to consult me about IP tuition for Math, Physics or Chemistry, pls contact me @ 97860411.


To find more about IP Tuition, please click on the following:


Posted in Holiday Classes


(1) A-Level / JC2 H2 Math June Holiday Intensive Revision Programme


(2.1) New! PSLE MATH Intensive Revision 23 to 26 June

(3) O-Level Science (Physics) Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

(4) O-Level Pure Physics Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

(5) O-Level E. MATH Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

(6) N-Level Math Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

(7) N-Level Science (Physics) Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014


Posted in N-level, Normal (Academic)

N-Level Science (Physics) Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

Dates: 23/6 to 25/6, 3 days straight.

Time: 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm.

Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central. (It is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok bus interchange. Buses that stop along the road in front of Blk 627 are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 941, 947, 985)

Fee: $240

Max. no. of students:  8. (vacancies as at 30 May: 8)

Tutor: Mr Ilyasa (ex-sch teacher, M.Ed, PGDE, B.Sc).

A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level & IB Physics and Mathematics for more than 6 years, as well as ‘O’ Level & IP Physics, Additional Math, E. Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds both a Master of Education degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from the National University of Singapore.

To register, sms <student name><NSP> to 97860411.

Posted in Science (Physics)

O-Level Science (Physics) Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

Dates: 23/6 to 26/6, 4 days straight.

Time: 1.30 pm – 4.30 pm.

Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central. (It is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok bus interchange. Buses that stop along the road in front of Blk 627 are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 941, 947, 985)

Fee: $320

Max. no. of students:  8. (vacancies as at 30 May: 8)

Tutor: Mr Ilyasa (ex-sch teacher, M.Ed, PGDE, B.Sc).

A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level & IB Physics and Mathematics for more than 6 years, as well as ‘O’ Level & IP Physics, Additional Math, E. Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds both a Master of Education degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from the National University of Singapore.

To register, sms <student name><SP> to 97860411.

Posted in Pure Physics

O-Level Pure Physics Crash Course / Intensive Revision June 2014

Dates: 6/6, 13/6, 20/6, 27/6, 4 Fridays.

Time: 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm.

Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central. (It is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok bus interchange. Buses that stop along the road in front of Blk 627 are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 941, 947, 985)

Fee: $320

Max. no. of students:  8. (vacancies as at 30 May: 8)

Who should attend: (1) O-level Physics students; (2) IP Physics students

Tutor: Mr Ilyasa (ex-sch teacher, M.Ed, PGDE, B.Sc).

A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level & IB Physics and Mathematics for more than 6 years, as well as ‘O’ Level & IP Physics, Additional Math, E. Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds both a Master of Education degree and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from the National University of Singapore.

To register, sms <student name><PP> to 97860411.

Posted in A-Level, A. Math, JC Math (H2/H1), JC Physics, Pure Physics, Sec Math

Short-term ad hoc Math or Physics tuition during June Holidays 2014.

By all means, go for your holidays, even short ones (I’m going on 10, 11 and 12 June). However, if you had done badly in your SA1 or mid-year exams, do not let the June hols pass without reviewing your first semester work. For things will only get harder in the second semester, and some topics or concepts learnt in the first semester need to be used to understand some topics later in the year.

If you are too busy to attend weekly tuition, you might want to take the opportunity this June to consult a qualified and experienced tutor, for just a few hours and for a few difficult topics. Since it is the school holidays, the lessons can be in the mornings or early afternoons.

If you need solid tutoring in Pri, Sec or JC Math, or Sec or JC Physics, don’t hesitate to contact me at 97860411 and I’ll work out an arrangement for you. You may opt for individual tuition or in small groups of 2 to 4 students from the same class or school. Fees vary depending on the level and number of students.

If you have any queries, you may also call or sms to 97860411, or send an email to

If you are serious about improving your Math or Physics, hope to hear from you soon.



Posted in A-Level, H2 Physics, Track Record

Yay, my jc1 h2 physics student scored 35/40 for his first test

Getting 35/40 for a physics test at sec 4 level is already very good, but getting this score for a h2 physics test is really an achievement. He said the test was easy, yet some of his classmates failed the test, on measurement and kinematics. These two topics may sound very familiar to those who have done O-level physics, but if you are an a-level physics student you would know that these two topics are much harder than their o-level counterparts. But his success doesn’t come as a big surprise to me, as he started his jc1 physics tuition on 9 Feb this year, soon after getting his jc posting. But why so early?

I guess he and his dad (who came to speak to me) understood that the content for jc subjects is very heavy and rigorous, and doing well in jc is all about preparation and consistency. The a-level cert is a passport to a university education, and thus getting good a-level grades is very important, much more important than getting good grades at the PSLE. Yet, if you’ve been in the tuition industry long enough, you’d have noticed that parents and students are more concerned about performance at the PSLE than at other levels.

Tuition for any examination for most kids has never been necessary. But if the examination that you’d be taking is just one step away from a university education and for some reason you are not confident of making it on your own, then I think it makes sense to get help early.



Posted in Educational Advice

Nowadays, it may be important to do O-Level Physics

This is because amongst the easiest courses to qualify for in universities in Singapore nowadays is Engineering, even with A-level grades such as CCD. However, all engineering courses require at least a pass in O-level Physics. Thus it is unwise not to do O-level Physics. Some recent A-level grads have found out that that their poor grades qualify for only engineering courses, but they didn’t take Physics at either O or A level, thus finding themselves unable to proceed.

Some secondary schools emphasize doing Chemistry, instead of Physics, with the reason that Chemistry is a pre-requisite for Medicine or the Life Sciences, but they forget that the eventual A-level grades of most students will qualify them for Engineering but not Medicine or Dentistry.

Posted in A-Level, H2 Math, H2 Physics

Our JC1 H2 MATH and PHYSICS Learn Ahead tuition classes will commence on Sun, 9 Feb.

JC1 H2 Math: Every Sunday, 2.00pm – 3.45 pm; Code: J1M3.

JC1 H2 Physics:  Every Sunday, 4.00pm – 5.45pm; Code J1P1.


Administrative Matters:

Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central. It is just a 3-min walk from the Bukit Batok MRT station as well as the Bukit Batok Bus Interchange.

Max Class Size: 8

Monthly fee for each JC subject or slot is $240, inclusive of materials fee. Discounts apply for multiple subjects or slots.


For enquiries, kindly call or sms to 9786 0411.


Why Learn Ahead?

As you know (you can find out from your seniors), JC Math and Physics are much tougher than their O-level counterparts. Not only are their contents deeper and scope wider, the JC lecturers and class tutors also teach at a very fast pace. From our years of tutoring experience, students who learn ahead are able to cope with their school work and eventually perform better at the A-levels than those who don’t have a headstart.

If you obtained anything less than an A1 at the O-level in Math and/or Physics, we strongly encourage you to join our Learn Ahead Programme as it means your foundation in these subjects are still weak. If you wait till you fail your first common test, it might be too late for you to catch up. Imagine trying to relearn past concepts when new concepts are being introduced to you at a fast pace.