Posted in A-Level, General Paper, Group Tuition

New GP small group tuition classes starting Feb 16 …

For our latest timetable, click here =>  jcbutton




General Paper:   (Investment amt: $280 per mth; 2 hr lesson)

Thur 7.45 pm to 9.45 pm;  Course Code:  gpthur745;  (3 vacancies)

Sat 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm; Course Code: gpsat130; (3 vacancies)

To register, kindly call, or send an sms to 97860411, indicating the Student Name and the Course Code, or send an email with the same information to




Singapore Learner provides Group Tuition, Individual Tuition, Intensive Revision, Enrichment Workshops, Headstart Classes and Crash Courses at the Primary, Secondary and Junior College levels in the areas of A.Math, Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Science, Economics, General Paper and English.

Posted in Administrative, General Paper, Personal

The correct word to use …

What is the correct English word to use to describe individual tuition, one-on-one or one-to-one? Let me tell you what the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary say about it:

one-on-one: (1) A US adverb used in sports to mean that each player from one team is matched to a single player from the other team. (2) A US adjective to describe an activity in which one person is teaching or giving information to another person.

one-to-one: An adjective to describe an activity in which one person is teaching or giving information to another person.




Posted in A-Level, Educational Advice, General Paper

Did you know that …

that you DON’T have to pass GP in order to be admitted to NUS? However, a low score in GP will affect your total academic score for the purpose of admission. The following is taken from their website:

New Singapore-Cambridge ‘A’ Level Curriculum (H1/H2/H3 Subjects)

Applicants (regardless of nationality) presenting the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Levels (H1/H2/H3 curriculum) are required to meet the following minimum academic requirements:

    1. Pass in at least two subjects at H2 Level and offer either General Paper (GP) or Knowledge & Inquiry (KI) in the same sitting.
    2. Meet the Mother Tongue Language (MTL) requirement for admission by having one of the following:
      1. minimum of D7 for the higher MTL paper taken at the ‘O’ Level examination.
      2. minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H1 MTL paper or General Studies in Chinese.
      3. minimum of ‘S’ grade for the H2 MTLL paper taken at the ‘A’ Level examination.
      4. pass in the MTL ‘B’ Syllabus paper at the ‘A’ Level examination.
      If you have been exempted from MTL, the MOE-approved subject-in-lieu will be considered as your MTL subject.