Posted in H1 Economics, H2 Economics

Good Economics article to read, for those doing H2 or H1 Econs

If you are a H2 or H1 Econs student, please take time to think through the following economics article:

It’s important that you keep abreast of the economic challenges facing Singapore, our unique situation, and hence our micro and macro economic policies.

As an ex-Econs teacher and currently tutor, I dare say that our H2 and H1 Economics exams are the hardest in the world for 18 year olds. For microeconomics, you are expected to think like a business owner or CEO, and for macroeconomics, you are expected to think like a minister. Our Economics exam papers assume that you know and understand every basic economic concept, and you are straightaway expected to apply your Econs knowledge to analyse and answer case studies and essay questions.

Good luck.




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