If you are an A-Level exam candidate in 2025,
and you want to prepare for General Paper from scratch, this is your best-fit course.
This intensive programme is for serious learners.
5 months from May to Sept
+ ad-hoc whatsapp consultations in Oct until exam day, contingent on coach’s availability
+ diagnostic assessment in April to customise course materials
Coach has over 20 years of GP teaching experience in MOE (ex-JC GP Teacher)
3 Saturdays of online sessions (2.30-3.45pm++)
1 week off for reading/revision/additional practice (materials provided)
Each session includes explicit instruction & supervised practice
Thinking Skills, Answering Techniques, Language, Content (at least 1 theme a month)
Registration closes 10 April 2025 for coach to begin diagnostics & lesson customisation.
Whatsapp Admin @ 88765498
Singapore Learner is a team of education consultants and expert tutors providing four main services (click on each link for details):
SCIENCE ACADEMY (Theory + Practical)
For enquiries, contact 88765498 (Admin).
General Paper Bonus for H2/H1 students
We got you!
We’ve heard that A-Level students want General Paper support but not necessarily in the form of full lessons or lectures.
To balance the other A-Level subjects and co-curricular joys and challenges, what might be more needed are efficient, meaningful discussions and advice that aid students’ consolidation of their knowledge and skills. After all, our brains crave order, independence, some good conversation – better yet, without breaking the bank.
So in 2025, students who either take
TWO H2/H1 subjects (theory or at least 4 practical sessions per subject)
OR ONE H2/H1 subject + ONE science practical subject (taking at least 4 sessions)
@SingaporeLearner(SL) will be entitled to 2 complimentary GP consultations on Zoom.
Consultations run on selected days weekly from mid-May to mid-Sept 2025.
A booking link will be given to eligible students to meet our guest coach, an ex-MOE GP teacher of over 20 years.
Eligible students should book early to get their desired dates, while slots are available.
They should still be students @SL at the point of consultation.
Those who not book by 9 Aug 2025 will have their sessions passed on to another student in need.
Connect with our Admin. Whatsapp 88765498 for more info & to coordinate all subjects and H2 Science Practicals.
To reach our subject specialists,
Whatsapp 88668423 for Biology & Chemistry.
Head Start for GP
Four Sundays 29 Nov 2021 to 20 Dec 2021
11am to 1230pm via zoom
$300 for 4 sessions.
$30 registration fee for new students.
Call 65694897 or whatsapp 9786 0411 to enquire or register.
“A good teacher is one that makes himself/herself less necessary”
Course Outline:
This programme aims to lay/fine-tune the foundations of the subject so that the student is able to feel comfortable and confident in attempting both essay and comprehension papers. It will also provide students with the necessary tools to continuously build upon these skill-sets beyond the duration of the workshop.
Topics to be covered:
a) Essay Writing techniques
b) Comprehension mastery
c) Content revision
(i) Critical thinking frameworks. How to brainstorm effectively
(ii) Effective essay structure/formats
(iii) Various comprehension question types, including “how to score for the AQ”
(iv) Streamlining content memorization and focusing more on application of knowledge
Format: Teaching + Worksheets + Discussions
DATE: 11 June (Mon) to 13 Jun (Wed) 2018
TIME: 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Target Group: Current JC2/ Year 6 IP students who wish to better prepare for the GP Paper in their A Level year
Background of Tutor:
The tutor is an NUS graduate (Bachelors Degree with Merit), with a decade of teaching experience in a Junior College, and over 15 years of providing consultation in all domains revolving around linguistics and analytics.
To register, sms <Student Name><J2GPJUNE> to 98530744 / 97860411.
For any queries, kindly call or SMS to 98530744 / 97860411.
DAYS: Monday to Wednesday from 12 March to 14 March 2018.
TIME: 1.00 PM – 4.00 PM
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Target Group: Current JC2/ Year 6 IP students who wish to better prepare for the GP Paper in their A Level year.
Topics to be covered:
- Essay Writing techniques
- Comprehension mastery
- Content revision
- Critical thinking frameworks. How to brainstorm effectively
- Effective essay structure/formats
- Various comprehension question types, including “how to score for the AQ”
- Streamlining content memorization, and focusing more on application of knowledge
Format: Teaching + Worksheets + Discussions
Course Outline:
This programme aims to lay/fine-tune the foundations of the subject so that the student is able to feel comfortable and confident in attempting both essay and comprehension papers. It will also provide students with the necessary tools to continuously build upon these skill-sets beyond the duration of the workshop. “A good teacher is one that makes himself/herself less necessary”.
Fee: $450 for all 3 sessions.
Background of Tutor:
The tutor is an NUS graduate (Bachelors Degree with Merit), currently teaching in a Junior College, with a decade of experience, and over 15 years of providing consultation to all domains revolving around linguistics and analytics.
To register, sms <Student Name><J2GPMARCH> to 98530744.
For any queries, kindly call or SMS to 98530744.
@ BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. S(650644).
CALL 65694897 OR SMS 98530744 OR 97860411.
Year 4 / Year 5 / JC1 (2019) Head Start General Paper (GP)
To all students who are preparing to go into JC, wonderful! In JC, you will be introduced to this subject called General Paper, which is one of the subjects examined in A-levels.
What is General Paper?
General Paper is probably one of the most misunderstood subjects, and ironically so because it requires the most understanding in order to do well.
Here are 5 common misconceptions General Paper (GP) debunked:
- My English grade was not good, therefore I will struggle at GP.
DEFINITELY NOT! GP is not about how well you write, but more about what you write. This means that your ideas and thoughts are far more important.
2. GP requires me to read a lot
Whilst this is partially true, it isn’t as hellish as most students make it out to be. Having a lot of content knowledge is pointless if you have no idea how to use it. APPLICATION of that knowledge is everything.
3. Like English, I don’t really have to study for GP. I either have it or I don’t.
False! GP is a lot about skills and techniques, which can definitely be practiced under the right supervision. Essays are not free-response, hence there are helpful structures that can be learned and applied.
4. Reading model essays will improve my GP grade.
Not as much as you may think. Many different schools idealise different types of essay styles. What this means is that there is no one best way of writing. Having said that, there are specific techniques that can be used by students to cover their weaknesses and highlight their strengths.
5. GP is not as important a subject as compared to Maths and Science
This is the biggest misconception of them all, and most students realize this too late, by which time there is little that can be done. GP equips you with a set of soft skills that are the most versatile and flexible, that can be used for a wide variety of professions. Any job that requires problem solving will rely on a student with strong GP skills.
So why do a Headstart programme?
General Paper is statistically the subject students struggle with the most. Not because it is difficult, but rather because students neglect it till it is too late. By starting early, you will be able to establish a strong foundation that will allow you to begin thinking of the issues in a much more in-depth level at a much quicker rate. Also, GP is perhaps the one subject where consistency is key, and you cannot cram your learning. So a Headstart Programme is even more crucial. So come join me and set yourself up for success!
Sherman, GP tutor, Singapore Learner
Time: 2pm – 5pm , from 10 Dec to 12 Dec 2018 (3 sessions)
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Fee: $540 per student for 3 lessons.
Background of Tutor:
The tutor is an NUS graduate (Bachelors Degree with Merit), currently teaching in a Junior College, with a decade of experience, and over 15 years of providing consultation to all domains revolving around linguistics and analytics.
To register, sms <Student Name><JC1GPHS> to 9786 0411
For any queries, you may also talk directly to the tutor at 91088581.
A-Level (2019) JC2 Head Start General Paper (GP)
FOR ALL J2 Students, the coming holiday is a great opportunity to strengthen your knowledge on GP and get a head-start in preparation for 2019. GP is an important subject not to be neglected, especially for students who are aiming for the top few courses in University.
What is General Paper?
General Paper is probably one of the most misunderstood subjects, and ironically so because it requires the most understanding in order to do well.
Here are 5 common misconceptions General Paper (GP) debunked:
- My English grade was not good, therefore I will struggle at GP.
DEFINITELY NOT! GP is not about how well you write, but more about what you write. This means that your ideas and thoughts are far more important.
2. GP requires me to read a lot
Whilst this is partially true, it isn’t as hellish as most students make it out to be. Having a lot of content knowledge is pointless if you have no idea how to use it. AAPPLICATIONof that knowledge is everything.
3. Like English, I don’t really have to study for GP. I either have it or I don’t.
False! GP is a lot about skills and techniques, which can definitely be practiced under the right supervision. Essays are not free-response, hence there are helpful structures that can be learned and applied.
4. Reading model essays will improve my GP grade.
Not as much as you may think. Many different schools idealise different types of essay styles. What this means is that there is no one best way of writing. Having said that, there are specific techniques that can be used by students to cover their weaknesses, and highlight their strengths.
5. GP is not as important a subject as compared to Maths and Science
This is the biggest misconception of them all, and most students realize this too late, by which time there is little that can be done. GP equips you with a set of soft-skills that are the most versatile and flexible, that can be used for a wide variety of professions. Any job that requires problem solving will rely on a student with strong GP skills.
So why do a Headstart programme?
General Paper is statistically the subject students struggle with the most. Not because it is difficult, but rather because students neglect it till it’s too late. By starting early, you will be able to establish a strong foundation that will allow you to begin thinking of the issues in a much more in-depth level at a much quicker rate. Also, GP is perhaps the one subject where consistency is key, and you cannot cram your learning. So a Headstart Programme is even more crucial. So come and join me and set yourself up for success!
Sherman, GP tutor, Singapore Learner
Class A: 26/11 – 28/11, 2pm – 5pm
Class B: 3/12 – 5/12, 2pm – 5pm
Class C: 10/12 – 12/12, 10am – 1pm
(Choose any one of the above)
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Fee: $540 per student for 3 lessons.
Background of Tutor:
The tutor is an NUS graduate (Bachelors Degree with Merit), currently teaching in a Junior College, with a decade of experience, and over 15 years of providing consultation to all domains revolving around linguistics and analytics.
To register, sms <Student Name><JC2GPHS>,<DATE> to 98530744 or 97860411.
For any queries, you may also talk directly to the tutor at 91088581.
General Paper Programme Outline
This is an intensive system designed to equip you with the essential tools needed.
Duration: 3 sessions (3hours each)
Course Levels available:
A) FOUNDATION BUILDING SYSTEM (suitable for students with grades below C)
B) FINE-TUNING SYSTEM (suitable for students with grades C and above. This course will skip fundamental work and zero-in on precision writing techniques)
*note: Course fees are identical for both programmes. Choose the one that best suits your immediate needs and circumstances.
Overview of primary Components:
1) Essay writing techniques- Question choice & analysis, essay structures, formulating arguments, conveying ideas in effective writing- there are essays, and then there are exam-essays.
2) Comprehension skills- critical reading, question analysis, effective paraphrasing and AQ-mastery. Work-arounds and preparation before we even start reading the text is key!
3) Content- Cut down on the need to memorize tons of facts and statistics. Solutions to content-generating that will save you hours each day!
Workshop structure:
Session 1: Essay writing
Dates: (Course A- May 30th/June 13th, Course B: June 6/21st )
From planning to execution. Using time effectively to maximise the quality of your essay: a step-by-step guide on how to tackle any question in Paper 1. Materials include a 101-essential checklist for every student, sample essays/paragraphs, discussion of examination questions to cover a broad range of topics/areas of focus.
Session 2: Comprehension
Dates: (Course A: May 31st/June 14th, Course B: June 7th/22nd )
Critical reading and prepping effectively to ensure the most coverage of the passage, as well as systematic addressing of the various question types. Paraphrasing techniques and practices will also be the focus as this skill is of core importance to this paper, and one many students overlook. Finally, deciphering the AQ- how to maximise marks in a time-pressured window. Materials will include a handout covering various question types, sample/excerpts from a wide range of JC examination papers, as well as sample AQs from past year Cambridge papers.
Session 3: Content
Dates: (Course A: June 1st/15th, Course B: June 8th/23rd)
General knowledge is key to scoring well. But often times, it is not the volume, but rather the quality, and application. Content-manipulation/generation can often dramatically cut back on hours spent memorising facts and stats for the mere sake of doing so. Students will be shown, through a variety of methodologies (mind-maps, issue-linking, thinking structures etc) how to prepare for the subject efficiently. Realising that topics/modules should never be approached as separate entities also falls in-line with the changing trends of GP questions set by Cambridge, where essay questions are often multi-faceted.
Course take-homes:
Appreciation of GP beyond just a subject, but rather gaining a set of skills that can be applied throughout various aspects of life and academia. Debunking myths such as “the more I know, the better I’ll do”, and finally, re-discovering the passion for learning over the need for studying.
Attendees of the workshop will also gain unlimited access to my web-blog, which houses a repository of articles, sample essays/AQ responses, as well as revision essentials.
About the tutor:
Mr Shermann is a graduate from NUS, holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and History. He has 9 years of teaching experience in various Junior Colleges implementing his GP programmes, and over a decade of experience in private coaching. He specialises in General Paper and English Language, and has been credited with creating unique and functional approaches to effective writing. A fun and interactive teacher, sessions with Mr Shermann promise to be eye-opening and productive. Let’s get those grades you deserve, and let’s make learning fun again!
Administrative matters:
1) Sessions will be conducted over the June School Holidays.
2) Sessions will be run once a week, from 2pm to 5pm (or any alternative time provided by Singapore Learner), from Tuesdays to Thursdays
3) Fees are $150 per session, with a discount applied for every subsequent session. 2 sessions will be charged at $130 each, whilst signing up for all 3 sessions will be charged at $110 each only.
Venue: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644)
Our location is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok Bus Interchange. Buses that stop along the roads surrounding our location are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 985. Buses services which terminate at Bukit Batok Bus Interchange are 61, 77, 106, 173, 177, 189, 852, 941, 945, 947
For enquries, kindly call 9108 8581
Ideas for GP essays from various JC prelim papers
Note from our GP Advisor: h1generalpaper.wordpress.com will cover ideas for gp essays from various JCs prelim papers almost daily until Nov 1.
All the best for your GP exam!
Our JC & Secondary Headstart Programmes 2015-2016
Dear Parents / Students, the following lists our headstart programmes for S1-J2 levels.
P6 going to S1:
Our weekly Sec 1 Arithmetic & Algebra workshop will begin on Fri 6 Nov 2015.
S2 / S3 / S4 ( in 2016):
Our English, Math, Physics, Chemistry & Science HEADSTART classes will begin in the FIRST week of November.
S4 going to JC1:
Our BRIDGING & HEADSTART classes for General Paper, Economics, Math, Physics & Chemistry will begin from 15 Nov 2015 onwards.
JC2 (in 2016):
Our HEADSTART classes for General Paper, Economics, Management of Business, Math, Physics & Chemistry will begin from 15 Nov 2015 onwards