You may want to read up more on the following topics:
1. Scarcity, Opportunity Cost & the PPC.
2. Costs of Production, Economies of Scale
3. Market Structure
4. Market Failure (Externalities), Government Failure
5. Inflation, Unemployment
6. BOP
7. Fiscal policy, Supply-side policies, Monetary Policy (Interest Rates)
8. Globalisation, Capital Flows, FTA
A-Level H1 Tuition for Economics, Math & Physics
JC2 H1 Math : Tuesday | 8.00 pm – 9.45 pm; Code: J2M4
JC2 H1 Economics: Saturday | 9.30 am – 11.15 am | Code: J2E1
JC2 H1 Physics: Sunday | 3.30 pm – 5.15 pm | Code: J2P1
JC1 H1 Physics: Saturday | 5.30 pm – 7.15 pm | Code: J1P2
JC1 H1 Economics: Saturday | 1.30 pm – 3.15 pm | Code: J1E1
JC1 H1 Math : Monday | 8.00 pm – 9.45 pm; Code: J1M3
Administrative Matters:
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Our location is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok Bus Interchange. Buses that stop along the roads surrounding our location are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 985. Buses services which terminate at Bukit Batok Bus Interchange are 61, 77, 106, 173, 177, 189, 852, 941, 945, 947.
For enquiries, kindly call 65694897 or sms to 9786 0411.
Our HEADSTART programmes starting in NOVEMBER – REGISTER NOW!
Sec 4 (2015) Additional Math Headstart Tuition (starting Sun 2 Nov – REGISTER NOW!)
Sec 4 (2015) Pure Physics Headstart Tuition (starting Sun 2 Nov – REGISTER NOW!)
P4-P6 MATH TUITION (starting Sat 15 Nov – REGISTER NOW!)
P4-P6 SCIENCE TUITION (starting Sat 15 Nov – REGISTER NOW!)
JC Economics by an experienced, NIE trained ex-JC Economics tutor, Mr Jimmy Teh.
J2H2 Economics: Wednesday | 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm | Code: J2E1
J2H2 Economics: Thursday | 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm | Code: J2E2
J2H2 Economics: Friday | 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm | Code: J2E3
J2H2 Economics: Saturday | 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm | Code: J2E4 ( 3 slots left)
J2H2 Economics: Saturday | 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm | Code: J2E5 ( 3 slots left)
J1H1 Economics: Thursday | 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm | Code: J1E1
J1H2 Economics: Friday | 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm | Code: J1E2
J1H2 Economics: Saturday | 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm | Code: J1E3
We understand that Economics is a challenging subject, and in the current climate, it is no longer sufficient to rely on rote learning, regurgitating of content and memorising model essays/case studies. Questions in school exams and A-level are testing students on their inference and higher order thinking skills.
Common misconceptions or pitfalls:
1. Just memorize and hope for the best by rewriting the notes, without studying smarter
2. Write more, the more the better, without focusing on proper evaluation techniques
3. Study everything instead of focusing on certain key areas
4. Study last minute and think that time is on your side
5. Study the content instead of studying how the question is designed and the hints behind each keyword
Classes are designed to be small (around 5 pax) in order to facilitate discussion and allow the tutor to focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual students. If you are having trouble with economics, not satisfied with your grades despite your best efforts, writing a lot but not doing well, or want to secure an A both in School and in the A-level, sign up for class with us today.
FAQ Section from Mr Teh:
Q: Does the tutor have his own notes/tutorial/new and updated case study examples, i.e. when there is a new budget or policy released in Singapore, will he use it as class material?
A: Definitely. We understand that one of the criteria in the evaluation component of Economics paper, requires candidates awareness of real world context. Besides using our own teaching material that builds out students evaluative skills, current events are also discussed regularly in class, before scaffolding these discussions and apply them to meet exam requirements.
Q: How is the structure of the lesson i.e. How much time dedicated to lecture vs class work?
A: About 40percent is allocated for content, whereas the rest are focused on applications. We understand our role, and that we are a complement to school’s programme. Thus, whenever there is a lack of practice in particular area (for example, understanding the question requirements and how to analyse adequately), we focus on these areas to maximise the gains for our students. Thus, every class can be different, as the tutor will adjust accordingly to the issues of each class.
Q: Will there be homework issued like essays and case study questions and will the tutor mark the work?
A: There is homework, but these is also discussed with the students as we understand the rigour they might be facing in schools. Every piece of homework given is marked and reviewed with the student.
Q: Will there be time dedicated to class discussion for case studies and essays?
A: Yes. As we focused more on the applications aspect, and we come to understand that this aspect is not regularly practiced in school, we see it as a crucial opportunity for us to practise this skill with our students.
Q: How do you plan to separate the H1/H2 students?
A: yes, they are always separated into different classes, and they should, as their examination and skillsets required are different.
Q: Some schools have different syllabus, e.g. some start on macro in J1 instead of micro(HCI, NYJC, VJC), do you separate classes based on syllabus?
A: They are being taken into consideration when we planned for classes. Thus, we always seek to work with students, and not making things more difficult for them.
Q: Are there online classes and do you have plans to do a pure online class or a hybrid class i.e. some online some physical
A: Most of the students currently prefer to have lessons in person, as there are certain skills that require them to practice on the spot. However, we also have students whom prefer online lessons and we also do make arrangements for that. In fact, hybrid classes were already a regular part of our lessons since Circuit Breaker ended.
Q: We prefer online classes as we live further away, can you walk us through what a typical online class will be like?
A: A link to the online classroom will be sent to either you or your child’s Whatsapp account a few minutes before the start of the class. Materials used for the class will be sent to you in a PDF or word format by email at least a day before the class itself. Parents are welcome to come down physically and collect printed materials if they wish. Online class has the same class size limit as physical class. Once attendance is taken and the tutor is sure that all students are accounted for, the class begins just like any regular class. Lesson materials are projected onto the screen in the online classroom, and there is a whiteboard function which the tutors will use to write, and presentation function for Power point slides. Classwork is expected to be submitted to the tutor via camscanner in PDF format, and the marked work will be returned to them in PDF format. For students who are more shy in nature, they may choose to private message the tutor to address their concerns during class. The experience will be the same as a physical class but in the comfort of your home.
Q: Before an exam, will the tutor go through all the concepts tested and give a review/prediction
A: Yes definitely. A full review and spotting trends for school papers and A-level is always necessary a few days before the exam.
Mr Jimmy Teh has taught H2 Economics in JC since 2008, before venturing into tuition fully in 2015. He has a Bachelor degree from NUS in Economics, and is NIE trained. As a former teacher who was once in a mainstream school, he is aware of the rigour of JC curriculum and how it is designed to promote critical thinking and produce self-directed learners. His courses are planned with a unique set of notes for easy learning and comes with its own diagnostics to help you to identify the root cause of your issues, be it inadequacies in content, inability to tackle the question fully or always not using the right words for the answers. Work will also be fully assessed, with sufficient rigour and exposure in his programmes.
Administrative Matters:
Location: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).
Our location is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or the Bukit Batok Bus Interchange. Buses that stop along the roads surrounding our location are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 985. Buses services which terminate at Bukit Batok Bus Interchange are 61, 77, 106, 173, 177, 189, 852, 941, 945, 947.
TO REGISTER, Whatsapp <STUDENT NAME>, <CODE> TO 88765498.
For enquiries, kindly call 65694897 or whatsapp to 88765498
@ BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. S(650644).
CALL 65694897 OR Whatsapp 88765498
Our JC1 Learn Ahead classes will most likely start in early Feb
Although I’ve already received requests for JC1 Math, Physics, GP and Economics tuition classes to start as soon as possible, I think most likely we will start the classes in the first or 2nd week of Feb.
If you didn’t get A1 at O-level for the same subject you intend to take at A-level, I would encourage you to join our Learn Ahead Programme so that your academic life in your JC would be smoother.
For enquiries, kindly contact or SMS to 97860411. Thank you.
Our JC2 ECONOMICS weekly tuition starts on Thurs 9 Jan 2014
JC2 H1 Economics: Every Thursday, 8.00 pm – 9.45 pm (Start 9 Jan); Code: J2E1.
JC2 H2 Economics: Every Saturday, 8.00 pm – 9.45 pm (Start 11 Jan); Code: J2E2.
The Tutor:
Mr Jay Lim: An experienced full-time tutor, Mr Lim holds a Master of International Management (USA) degree, a B.Sc (USA) degree majoring in Finance & Retail Management, and a Higher Stage Certificate in Economics, The London Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Formerly a financial services consultant and an ex-bank officer, Mr Lim has been coaching students in Economics and Business Studies for more than three years.
Administrative Matters:
Location: Blk 627, Bukit Batok Central, 07-640. It is just a 3-min walk from the Bukit Batok MRT station as well as the Bukit Batok Bus Interchange.
Max Class Size: 8
Monthly fee for each JC subject or slot is $240, inclusive of materials fee. Discounts apply for multiple subjects or slots.
For enquiries, kindly call or sms to 9786 0411 .
Yay, my H1 Economics tutee got a ‘B’.
My ex-tutee for H1 Econs, Jong Fei, was the first to give me good news today. Usually failing his econs tests, he just smsed me: “Thank you very much for guiding me through econs when I thot all hope is lost. I got a ‘B’ for my econs. Thank u : )”
It’s not easy to teach econs, and it’s even harder for 18 yr olds to understand economic principles and apply them to essays and case studies. I always tell my students that for microeconomics, you’d have to think like a business owner and for macroeconomics, you’d have to think like a minister. Unfortunately, most Singaporean students have neither the maturity nor experience to analyse economic issues.
It can be quite hard for JC or Poly students to master Economics because most Sporean students have not done Econs in secondary school before. However, Economics done in Spore is more a science than a humanities subject, thus it can actually be mastered, in almost the same way as you master Physics. In fact, there are only around 6 to 8 important concepts in A-Level Economics that you need to understand deeply, one of which is the concept of “margin” or being “marginal” (eg. marginal cost, marginal revenue etc).
Then you’d also need the general writing skills and the specific writing skills for Economics essays. You cannot get an ‘A’ just because you understand all the concepts in Economics. You’d need to be able to write fast and coherently, and write ‘economics’ statements that examiners want to see, just as in Physics or Chemistry.
Then you’d also need the economics acumen to answer Case Studies questions. It’s difficult at first, but after doing many case studies, you’ll begin to see the ‘pattern’ of answering.
Anyway, I wish all current Economics students all the best in your economic studies.
Ilyasa, M.Ed., B.Sc., PGDE, full-time tutor (h/p: 97860411)
JC Tuition:
A-Level: Math, Economics, General Paper.
(1) Economics Revision Package
(2) General Paper Resource & Practice Package
Related Links:
(1) Which subject combination to choose in JC?
(2) JC rankings by A-Level results 2012?
A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level (H2/H1) Physics, Mathematics and Economics for more than 7 years, as well as ‘O’ Level Physics, Additional Math, Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Merit from the National University of Singapore, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and a Master of Education (Curriculum & Teaching) degree also from the NIE, Singapore.
Good Economics article to read, for those doing H2 or H1 Econs
If you are a H2 or H1 Econs student, please take time to think through the following economics article:
It’s important that you keep abreast of the economic challenges facing Singapore, our unique situation, and hence our micro and macro economic policies.
As an ex-Econs teacher and currently tutor, I dare say that our H2 and H1 Economics exams are the hardest in the world for 18 year olds. For microeconomics, you are expected to think like a business owner or CEO, and for macroeconomics, you are expected to think like a minister. Our Economics exam papers assume that you know and understand every basic economic concept, and you are straightaway expected to apply your Econs knowledge to analyse and answer case studies and essay questions.
Good luck.
For our latest timetable, click here =>
Effective JC H2 / H1 Economics Model Essays
On Monday, a Mrs Lee came to collect the GP Resource and Practice Package that she ordered. I didn’t realise she had come to my place before, until she mentioned that her daughter’s econs essay marks had improved significantly (from ard 5 to ard 19 marks now)after reading and studying the Economics Essay Revision Package that she had bought from me earlier. If you dont believe this, you can call Mrs Lee directly if she agrees to be ‘interviewed’. However, her daughter’s case study marks didn’t improve so I’m looking into it to understand why.
Well, I wasn’t surprised at all, as the same set of essays had been used by my Math student, Emily, to get an A at her Econs a year earlier (you can verify it with her if she agrees; she’s now studying in the US after getting four As in her H2 subjects). For those of you econs students who are too busy to attend econs tuition, and you can self-study, I would encourage you to purchase this Econs revision package that I had compiled. The essays may not be perfect (you may even add to them), but are far better than those written by average Econs students.
Alternatively, if you live near Bukti Batok, you can come to my place for econs tuition, which will be taught by Mr Jay Lim, an ex-banker in his 50’s, who has wide experience in practising finance and economics, and supported by myself and the materials that I have compiled. Although not an ex-JC teacher, Mr Lim is US-trained, and very comfortable with case studies and very familiar with the world of economics, finance, international trade and banking. He is also currently tutoring an IB student in Business & Management.
For enquiries, just give me a call or sms, to 97860411.
Ilyasa, M.Ed, PGDE, ex-sch teacher
Group Tuition for 2013 starts this Saturday Nov 17 onwards …
@ BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. S(650644).
CALL 65694897 OR SMS 98530744 OR 97860411.
Just to remind existing students and potential students that some group tuition classes (for various subjects) commence this Saturday. Pls click on Tuition Timetable from the menu bar in the home page to find out the details.
So if you have not registered but you intend to start tuition during the school holidays so that you can have a good headstart to the academic year 2013, please register now or as soon as possible. The class sizes are from just two to six students, so places are indeed limited (not limited by policy, but by actual physical constraints).
To register, sms Student Name, Subject, Level and intended start date to 97860411.