For our latest timetable, click here =>
Please note that the following weekly workshop is now held on Saturday mornings instead of Wednesday evenings.
Level/Subject: PSLE Challenging Math
Day/Time: Every Saturday, 9.00 am to 10.30 am ( 1.5 hrs)
Location: Blk 627 Bukit Batok Central #07-640
Focus: Difficult Concepts, Strategies, Heuristics, Olympiad
Fees: $150 for every four sessions.
Class Size: 2 to 8 students.
Tutor: Mr Ilyasa; M.Ed (NIE), PGDE (NIE), BSc (NUS), Ex-RI/RJC; ex-sch teacher, full-time tutor of PSLE, O and A Level Math and Physics. (h/p: 97860411)
A former secondary school Physics teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level (H2/H1) Physics and (H2/H1) Mathematics for more than 7 years, as well as ‘O’ Level Physics, Additional Math, Math and PSLE Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Merit from the National University of Singapore, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and a Master of Education (Curriculum & Teaching) degree also from the NIE, Singapore.
To register, kindly call or send an sms to 97860411.
“Models (drawing of) destroyed my life.” – Sec 3 Math student
I laughed when he said it. But it’s a significant statement by my Sec 3 Math student made two days ago. It’s something I’ve been warning parents and students about, in my earlier article Beware the Critical Years in Math.
This Sec 3 Math tutee is from a top government secondary school in the west. Being mathematically intelligent, he had found it easy to use models-drawing to solve PSLE Math problems. But he had a hard time coping with Algebra in Sec 1 and Sec 2, and it’s affecting both his Math and A. Math performance now. This situation is not unique to him.
The best years of learning by your brain is probably from the time you were born to just before your teenagehood. Singaporeans around my age or older were taught to use algebraic equations to solve math problems at the PSLE back then. I remember using simultaneous equations in 1984 to solve today’s “guess & check” problems in the PSLE. Thus our algebraic skills were good and it helped us, even those who didn’t do well at the PSLE, in doing O-Level and A-Level Math.
Algebra is SO important for Math at O-level and A-level, yet our dear MOE chooses not to introduce it for problem-solving in today’s PSLE. I still don’t understand why.
It is true that some young students may not be able to understand Algebra, due to it being very abstract. But it is also true that some young students are not visually or spatially intelligent enough to draw, cut and move rectangles to solve problems. For eg, what has rectangles got to do with mass or age? (you know, those problems involving age relationships between persons or mass relationships between objects). Using rectangles or boxes to represent age or mass is just as ridiculous or abstract as using letters such as ‘x’ and ‘y’ as in algebra.
The least the MOE should do is to allow the teaching of BOTH methods to solve problems. Since those boxes start appearing in P2 or P3, algebraic expressions should also be introduced at P2 or P3, algebraic expansion in P4, algebraic factorisation in P5, and algebraic equations in P6. Sec 1 students can straightaway start on algebraic fractions etc. Do we lose anything by introducing algebra earlier in our math curriculum?
I’m glad I started my Sec 1 Algebra course for post-PSLE students in Nov and Dec last year (see Sec 1 Algebra Headstart Holiday Enrichment Programme for post-PSLE students). I think students still don’t realise how ill-prepared they are for math in sec school and JC. I dare say that if you are weak in your S1 and S2 algebra, you don’t have to take Math anymore.
Good Luck.
(M.Ed., PGDE, B.Sc, ex-teacher, full-time tutor: 97860411)
@ BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. S(650644).
CALL 65694897 OR SMS 98530744 OR 97860411.
List of ‘Top’ Primary Schools (2012) based on GEP classes and Awards achieved
The following system ranks primary schools according to the number of gifted classes available in a school from P4-P6, and how many awards they have obtained in 2011. The information has been taken and analysed from the MOE’s website.
For ease of reading, the numbers in the table under each column heading is the number of awards/classes there are, while the number in [ ] is the points that we assign to each award/class based on our judgement of the perceived relative importance of these programmes or awards. The Total is the number of points obtained by each school for the purpose of our ranking.
Gifted Education Programme (GEP)
As the presence of GEP classes in a primary school is an indication of the recognition and support that such schools have from the government, 3 points are awarded for each class present in the school from Primary 4-6.
School Distinction Award (SDA) & School Excellence Award (SEA)
As the SEA and SDA are very prestigious awards for a school, 2 points will be awarded for each of these awards obtained.
The following awards are assigned one point each for the purpose of computation of the ranking:
Development (DA) and Outstanding Development Award (ODA) (National Education)
Development (DA) and Outstanding Development Award (ODA)(Character Development)
Best Practice Award (BPA)
Special Award (SA)—Lee Kuan Yew National Education Award (LKY NE Award)
This page is for students who are keen to join our Young Scientist Programme, from P3 to P6, to enhance their learning of scientific phenomena and concepts, as well as to develop their science investigative skills such as making a hypothesis, understanding variables, observing changes in test specimens, collecting data, deducing relationships or trends, and making evidence-based conclusions.
Such students may also keep and maintain a portfolio of their scientific investigations for DSA purposes.
For expressions of interest or early bookings, please don’t hesitate to send a message to 88765498, as we can cater to a maximum of only 10 students in one session.
- Each session is 1.5 hrs.
- Each session covers the practical sections (plus some theory) of one Topic.
- Available only from Nov to June.
Practical Timings:
Mon, Tue, Fri: 11am-12.30pm | 4.30pm – 6pm
Sat, Sun: 5pm – 6.30pm
Mar, Jun, Nov, Dec school hols: To be announced.
*For Mar, Jun, Nov and Dec school holidays we will have special days and times for Primary Science Practical Enrichment which will be announced later. For expressions of interest or early bookings, please don’t hesitate to send a message to 88765498, as we can cater to a maximum of only 10 students in one session.
If you have any queries kindly contact Admin at 6569 4897 or 88765498 (Whatsapp)
Teaching Science to kids everyday…
Parents play a key role in getting children interested in Science. Science is a living subject that surrounds us everyday. There’s Science in the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room, in fact, everywhere. The following are some questions that children typically ask, or questions that parents can ask their children, so as to set their minds thinking:
(1) Why do metallic objects feel colder than wooden ones?
(2) Why does ice feel cold?
(3) Why is the air-con unit placed near the ceiling?
(4) Why do we feel cold just after taking a bath?
(5) Why does oil float on water?
(6) Why does ice float on water?
(7) Why do metal ships float on water?
(8) Why does the swimming pool appear shallower than it really is?
(9) How does a pair of spectacles work?
(10) How does a fan work?
(11) Why do we need to breathe air?
(12) Why do oranges and lemons taste sour?
(13) Why do salt and sugar melt faster in warmer water?
(14) What causes the tides in the sea?
(15) Why are we able to see the moon?
(16) Why do moving toys need batteries? What goes on in a dry cell?
(17) Why does food last longer when frozen?
(18) Can a see-saw be balanced when two people are sitting on it? How?
(19) Why does the swing stop after some time?
(20) ……………..
There are many more such questions that parents and children can think of. These questions have both vague, unscientific answers as well as the scientific ones. It is understandable that most parents have forgotten the correct answers to these questions, but this should not deter parents from learning with their children.
It would be a good idea for parents to buy or borrow a basic science encyclopedia to read with their children. Searching for information together on the internet is also a good joint activity between parents and children.
The true nature of Science is learning by thinking and exploring, observing and experimenting, making many errors along the way. It is this spirit of thinking and persistence that gives us many of the useful things that we have today, like electricity and aeroplanes. Teenagers can certainly afford to spend some time thinking about how computers or hand phones work, instead of just using them.
Ilyasa, M.Ed, PGDE, B.Sc, ex-sch teacher.
Pri 3 to Pri 6 Math & Science Tuition at Bukit Batok Central
For our latest timetable, click here =>
The following subjects and levels are provided (each lesson is 1.5 hrs):
Pri 6 Math: Mon 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Wed 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Fri 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Pri 6 Science: Mon 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Wed 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Fri 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm
Pri 5 Math: Mon 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Wed 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Fri 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Pri 5 Science: Mon 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Wed 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Fri 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm
Pri 4 Math: Tue 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Thur 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Pri 4 Science: Tue 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Thur 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm
Pri 3 Math: Tue 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm, Thur 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm
Pri 3 Science: Tue 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm, Thur 5.45 pm – 7.15 pm
Location: Blk 627 Bukit Batok Central #07-640
Tutor(s): Mr Jay Lim, Master of International Management, experienced full-time tutor.
Average Class Size: 3-6 students.
Fees Per Month:
Pri 5 or Pri 6: One subject, once a week: $100 per mth; One subject, twice a week: $160 per mth; Two subjects (3h), once a week: $160 per mth; Two subjects (3h), twice a week: $280 per mth; Two subjects, EVERY day (3h) Monday to Friday: $580 per mth.
Pri 3 or Pri 4: One subject, once a week: $80 per mth; One subject, twice a week: $140 per mth; Two subjects (3h), once a week: $140 per mth; Two subjects (3h), twice a week: $240 per mth; Two subjects, EVERY day (3h) Monday to Friday: $480 per mth.
Note: Lessons will begin on Dec 3 onwards.
For enquiries, call or sms to 97860411. To register, sms Student Name, Subject, Level and Day/Time to 97860411. Thank you.