Posted in Practical


Topics: Titration, Speed of Reaction, Qualitative Analysis.

Skills and Content for Titration: Proper rinsing and usage of burette, pipette and conical flasks; Good techniques to achieve end-point FAST and accurately; Tabling and correct recording of data; Mole calculations; Sources of error and how these affect the final answer; Hands-on practice on Titration and mole calculations.

Skills and Content for Speed of Reaction: Measuring change in mass, volume or temperature over time using apparatus such as electronic balance, measuring cylinder, syringe, thermometer and stopwatch. Hands-on practice on a popular speed of reaction experiment.

Skills and Content for QA: Proper techniques for testing of Cations, Gases and Anions; Common mistakes in QA and how to avoid them in order to maximise your marks; Correct recording of observations and conclusions. Hands-on practice on testing of Ammonia gas, Carbon Dioxide gas, Hydrogen gas, and some common cations and anions; Theory Topics to revise to excel in QA.

March Date: Fri 21st Mar 2025, 2.30pm – 5.30pm.

June Dates: (Wed 18th June 2025, 10am-1pm) OR (Wed 25th June 2025, 2pm-5pm)

Location: Singapore Learner @ Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644)

Fee: $360 | $280 (if payment made before June) | $230 (if sign up in Feb; non-refundable)

Booking is by full payment (non-refundable) only. Kindly send a message to +(65) 88765498 (WHATSAPP) for payment info. Thank you.


Singapore Learner 

Tel: +(65) 6569 4897,   +(65) 88765498 (WHATSAPP)


If you wish to visit us, kindly call or sms first. Thank you.

For Standard Practical Training, click here:


For Practical Mock Exam, click here:


Posted in Practical


To do your O-Level Pure Chemistry Practical Mock Exam, please choose one or more of the following slots:

Session 1: Monday 30/9, 2 pm – 4.30 pm. (Code: PC1)

Session 2: Friday 4/10, 9 am – 11.30 am. (Code: PC2)

Session 3: Monday 7/10, 9 am – 11.30 am. (Code PC3)

Session 4: Wednesday 9/10, 9 am – 11.30 am. (Code PC4)

Location: BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. s(650644)

At the end of each session, the tutor will go through the answers with you, highlight your mistakes (if any) and give you tips on how to score well for your actual practical.

To book a Practical session (MUST be at least 3 days in advance),

(1) SMS or Whatsapp the following info to 88765498 (a) Name of student; (b) Date and Time; (c) Subject OR (d) Name and Code.

(2) Pay $160 (O-level, per session) or $280 (A-level, per session) via cash or online transfer or Paylah or Paynow (to 9786 0411).

* If you prefer days and timings different from our regular schedule, a surcharge of $30 per session is imposed as extra preparation is needed on our side.

For enquiries, please whatsapp to 88765498 or call our centre at 6569 4897.

Location: BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. s(650644)

Posted in Pure Chemistry



DAYS:  EVERY SUNDAY from 4 MAR to 8 APR 2018.

TIME:  10.45 AM – 12.15 PM

Location:   Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).


Format: Teaching + Worksheets + Discussions

Target Group: Current S4 Express students who need a structured revision programme for CHEMISTRY to excel in their mid-year exams.

Course Outline:

Fee: $70 per student per session or $360 for all 6 sessions.

Background of Tutor:

The tutor is a RI & RJC alumnus and a NIE-trained ex-teacher who has been teaching Chemistry for more than 3 years.

To register, sms <Student Name><S4CHEMMYR> to 97860411.

For any queries, you may also talk directly to the tutor at 97860411.



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@ BLK 644, BUKIT BATOK CENTRAL, #01-68. S(650644).

CALL 65694897 OR SMS 98530744 OR 97860411.

Posted in Holiday Classes, Intensive Revision, O Level, Pure Chemistry



DAYS:  Eight 2 hr sessions from Mon 12th Mar to Thur 15th Mar.

12/3 (Day 1), 13/3 (Day 2), 14/3 (Day 3), 15/3 (Day 4)

TIME:  1 pm – 3 pm (Session 1) and 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm (Session 2).

Location West: Blk 644, Bukit Batok Central, #01-68. S(650644).

(Our location is just a 3-min walk from either the Bukit Batok MRT station or theBukit Batok Bus Interchange. Buses that stop along the roads surrounding our location are numbers 157, 178, 66, 506, 173, 174, 176, 187, 985. Buses services which terminate at Bukit Batok Bus Interchange are 61, 77, 106, 173, 177, 189, 852, 941, 945, 947)


Format: Teaching + Worksheets + Discussions

Course Outline (Each session is 2 hrs long):

Day 1: 
Session 1 – Atomic Structure, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures 
Session 2 – Ionic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding

Day 2: 
Session 1 – The Mole, Chemical Equations and Calculations
Session 2 – Acids, Bases and Salts

Day 3:
Session 1 – Oxidation and Reduction
Session 2 – Electrolysis

Day 4: 
Session 1 – Energy Changes
Session 2 – Speed of Reaction

Fee: $90 per student per session or $640 for all 8 sessions.

(must be paid in full by 8/3 to confirm your attendance)

Minimum number of students to start each session: 2 (if only one student signs up, the course is cancelled and he will be refunded the full amount).


Posted in A. Math, Pure Chemistry, Pure Physics

Sec 4 Math, Physics, Chemistry Tuition

For our latest timetable, click here =>  secbutton



Sec 4  Math, Physics, Chem

Sec 4   A. Math  (Investment amt: $180 per mth):

Tue 7.45 to 9.15 pm; Fri 5.45 to 7.15 pm; Fri 7.45pm to 9.15pm; Sat 2.15 pm to 3.45 pm; Sun 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm.

Sec 4 E. Math (Investment amt: $180 per mth):

Tues 4.00pm to 5.30pm; Thurs 4.00pm to 5.30pm.

Sec 4   Pure Physics:  (Investment amt: $180 per mth).

Wed 7.45 pm to 9.15 pm; Fri 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm; Fri 7.45pm to 9.15pm; Sat 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm; Sat 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm; Sun 4.00 pm to 5.30 pm.

Sec 4   Pure Chemistry:   (Investment amt: $180 per mth).

Mon 7.45 pm to 9.15 pm; Sat 10.45 am to 12.15 pm; Sun 2.15pm to 3.45 pm;


Location: Blk 627 Bukit Batok Central #07-640

Class Size: 2-6 students

To register, kindly call or send an sms to 97860411, indicating the Student Name, the Subject and Level.

Posted in Pure Chemistry, Pure Physics, Sec Science

Sec 3 Math, Physics, Chemistry Tuition

For our latest timetable, click here =>  secbutton



Sec 3 Math, Physics, Chem

Sec 3   A. Math: (Investment amt:  $180 per mth):

Tues 4pm to 5.30pm

Wed 5.45pm to 7.15pm

Thurs 5.45 to 7.15 pm;


Mr Ilyasa; M.Ed (NIE), PGDE (NIE), BSc (NUS), A-Level (RJC); ex-sch teacher, full-time tutor (8 years) of PSLE, O and A Level Math and Physics.

Sec 3 E. Math: (Investment amt: $180 per mth):

Tues 5.45 to 7.15 pm;

Sec 3   Physics:  (Investment amt:  $180 per mth)

Sat 10.45 am to 12.15 pm;

Tutor(s): Mr Ilyasa; M.Ed (NIE), PGDE (NIE), BSc (NUS), A-Level (RJC); ex-sch teacher, full-time tutor (8 years) of PSLE, O and A Level Math and Physics.

Sec 3   Chemistry:   (Investment amt: $180 per mth).

Sat 9.00 am to 10.30 am.

Sun 12.30pm to 2.00pm.


Location: Blk 627 Bukit Batok Central #07-640

Average Class Size: 2-6 students

To register, kindly call or send an sms to 97860411, indicating the Student Name and the Level/Subject required.

Posted in A-Level, A. Math, O-Level English, Pure Chemistry, Pure Physics, Sec Math

A-Level & O-Level 2013 Preparation (morning classes, mainly for those re-taking)

We do provide coaching for students who are free to attend classes in the mornings or early afternoons. Such students are typically those who are re-taking their A-levels or O-levels. The levels and subjects offered are:

A-Level: General Paper, (H2/H1) Economics, (H2/H1) Math, (H2) Management of Business. (H2/H1) Physics (upon request)

O-Level: English, Math, Additional Math, Science (Physics/Chemistry), Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Economics, Business Studies.

Class type: Small group or Individual

Location: 3-min walk from Bukit Batok MRT station.

For other details, such as timings and fees, kindly call or sms to 97860411, or send an email to

The Tutors:


Mr Ilyasa:  A former MOE school teacher, Mr Ilyasa has been coaching students in ‘A’ Level Physics, Mathematics and Economics for more than 7 years, as well as ‘O’ Level Physics, Additional Math and Math for more than 10 years. An alumnus of RI and RJC, Mr Ilyasa holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Merit from the National University of Singapore, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education with Credit from the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and a Master of Education (Curriculum & Teaching) degree also from the NIE, Singapore.

Mr Jay Lim: An experienced full-time tutor, Mr Lim holds a Master of International Management (USA), B.Sc (USA) majoring in Finance & Retail Management, Higher Stage Certificate in Economics, The London Chamber of Commerce & Industry. He was formerly a financial services consultant and an ex-bank officer. Mr Lim has been teaching English at various levels in an Integrated Programme school for about 5 years. He will be focusing on General Paper, Management of Business and Economics in Singapore Learner.

For details, such as timings and fees, kindly call or sms to 97860411.


For our latest timetable, click here =>  jcbutton

Posted in Group Tuition, Pure Chemistry

New Sec 4 Pure Chemistry classes …



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Singapore Learner provides Group Tuition, Individual Tuition, Intensive Revision, Enrichment Workshops, Headstart Classes, Holiday Classes and Crash Courses at the Primary, Secondary and Junior College levels in the areas of Math, Pure Physics, Pure Chemistry, Science, Economics, and General Paper for the Singapore A-Levels, O-Levels and PSLE.

Posted in A. Math, Educational Advice, Pure Chemistry, Sec Math

Post-Sec 2 students should opt to do A. Math and Pure Chemistry ….

This is the period when Sec 2 students choose their subject combinations which can ultimately affect their future career. For the widest opportunities at higher levels, students should opt to do Additional Math and Pure Chemistry, if they qualify.



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